Weekly Notes 03/2023

We are back in Bangalore. It's cold coming from Thrissur. Thrissur was, in fact, pleasant this time of the year. I also noticed the filter in my air purifier had changed color, so I had to replace it. Not only that, I got another air purifier from Ikea for A's office. Air pollution in Bangalore is a real problem. 

  • NMG 2023 is our sixth edition of NMG. And it's open for applications.
  • IDVC 2022 – Final Stats are here. You can now get the price of Idly, Dose, Vade, and Coffee in Bangalore in 2022. Of course, the project makes sense only second year onwards. 
  • I was in a meeting where someone said - "Slow is good, and let's follow the process." I was so happy to hear it from someone other than me. Usually, it's me. It also applies in real life; for example, you can see that professionals look slow and meticulously in an emergency than running around hyperactive. Slow here is not really slow, but at the optimum speed, it seems slow for most regular folks.
  • So I had to get a root canal treatment :( And it's painful.
  • I watched Orchestra Mysore. At 02:55 Hrs, it was very long and hence tedious. It should have been edited and should have been 90 to 110 minutes at most. Also, the music sounded much better at home than in the theater. It's got to do something with INOX Mantri Malls' sound settings. It was very bland and sounded very bad. Music on the phone with my earphones sounded 100% better.
  • I updated the social.thej.in to the latest version. It took 5 mins but again, its work. I plan to do it once a quarter unless there are critical bugs. 
  • Papered.ink is here. I am yet to start work on it. It looks and feels great.

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