Weekly Notes 05/2023
I finally upgraded my main laptop to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I had to disable some Debian repositories before I started the dist upgrade. But in the end, all went well. I would say I don't like the fact that it installs snaps by default. Most of my installations are based on Flathub, pipx, jbang or binary files these days.

- I love to read weekly notes from folks; there are three more additions to my subscription list now. Sathya, Pradeep, and Sai. Please let me know if you have been writing weekly notes. I would love to read them.
- I started collecting Bengaluru Airport (KIA) Estimated Wait Time Data. It's an interesting set of data. Let me know if you have ideas about using it.
- Kara by Lake (OSM, GM) is one of my favorite cafes to meet people or to get coffee. I usually visit a couple of times a week. I love the staff; they are friendly and remember my preference. There used to be a Costa Coffee before. They were good as well. Anyway, if you plan to be around Ulsoor, ping me. We can get some coffee and chat.
- Appa's Home Project has gone live. Parts of the project are yet to complete, but it's live.
- We have additional funds to support NMG2023 candidates. So the total grant money is 2 Lakhs now. Thank you, S&A and Nemo.
- I went to Lightroom Bookstore (OSM, GM) to get some books. Between Anju and me, we buy a ton of Children's books. Lightroom has a good collection. You should check it out if you are in the Cox Town area.
- Most of us know Kuvempu for his novels(ramayana darshana, malegaLalli madumagalu), poetry, etc. But his essays and poems on decentralization, India, secularism, language, and caste system are revolutionary. I have been rereading them. In fact, Kuvempu is a revolutionary poet. Who else can write
ಕರಿಯರದೊ ಬಿಳಿಯರದೊ ಯಾರದಾದರೆ ಏನು
ರೈತನ ದೃಷ್ಟಿ
ಸಾಮ್ರಾಜ್ಯವಾವಗಂ ಸುಲಿಗೆ ರೈತರಿಗೆ
ವಿಜಯನಗರವೊ ಮೊಗಲರಾಳ್ವಿಕೆಯೊ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷರೊ
ಎಲ್ಲರೂ ಜಿಗಣೆಗಳೆ ನನ್ನ ನೆತ್ತರಿಗೆ
ಕತ್ತಿ ಪರದೇಶಿಯಾದರೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ನೋವೆ
ನಮ್ಮವರೆ ಹದಹಾಕಿ ತಿವಿದರದು ಹೂವೆ
ಸೋಮಾರಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಸುಖಿಗಳಿಗೆ ರಸಿಕರಿಗಲ್ತೆ
ಸಾಮ್ರಾಜ್ಯವೆಂಬುದದು ಕಾಮಧೇನು
You may enjoy “Chronicles of our times” by Andre Beteille.