Linked List : My Corded Power Tools for Home Lab

I wanted a complete toolset when I moved out of my parent's home. Until then, I used my father's set. He had them collected for a long time. I borrowed some from him, but I also built my toolbox. I will probably write a post on other tools. But here is the first one, and it is about corded power tools.

Drill Set - Bosch GSB 500W 500 RE 

I got one in 2013. It works like a charm ten years later. I got this specific one because I wanted a toolset and the drill. It comes with all the essential tools like a hammer, tape, knife, wrench, pliers, spirit level, etc. It can quickly drill holes in concrete, bricks, wood, and metal. With some practice, you can drive screws and holes through soft material too. It feels too powerful and can destroy the soft material if you don't have practice. But In India, where most walls are made of brick and mortar, power helps. 

If you are new to using power tools, It might be a good idea to have someone nearby who knows to use it. That way, you can learn faster. Of course, there is enough online content for self-learners.

Rotary Tool - Dremel 3000

The rotary tool is handy for arts and crafts projects and minor home repairs. I bought Dremel 3000 in 2018. It's wall-powered; hence it is pretty powerful. But it is friendlier than the bosch drill. This set comes with all the accessories required for carving, engraving, routing, grinding, sharpening, cleaning, polishing, cutting, and sanding. I have also used it to cut metal angles, and metal rods, drill small holes, etc. It is very versatile. With some patience and techniques, you can use it in hard-to-reach places too. 

There is a massive community around Dremel, and there are lots of tutorials available for you to explore. So someone has figured out a solution for every problem you have faced. You need to search. 

Safety equipment like goggles, hand gloves, and masks are essential while working with tools. I have a set of them. I will write about them in the next post.

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2 Responses

  1. March 31, 2023

    […] I started writing about my home workshop/homelab tools. The first one is a Linked List of my corded power tools. […]

  2. April 5, 2023

    […] simple, lightweight work like Drilling, Polishing, Sanding (power tools), Spray painting, working outside in dust, replacing a tire, […]

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