Weekly Notes 14/2023
I have registered for Tata 10k this year. This will be my first attempt to run after a big covid break. I am yet to start the practice. I hope to begin this week.

- I have applied for a driving license renewal. It took a while because I had a license book and not a card for the last twenty years. They had to convert it and issue an upgraded license number before renewing the license. Hopefully, in a week's time, I should get it.
- NMG applications are closed for the year. Now I get into the most challenging part of going processing them.
- I wrote a blog post about my Set of Personal Protective Equipment. I hope they inspire you to get your own set. Safety first.
- Finally, I did visit a Geist Brewing Co: the hennur, one. I like the beers they have, and also, they are pet friendly. I didn't know about the pet friendly part. May be next time Echo or Pathu can accompany me.
- Echo was a bit sick this week. He is recovering. Doctors at CUPA Vet hospital are really good and friendly as well.