Weekly Notes 30/2023

It's been a year. Weekly Notes 29/2022 was my first weekly notes post. So officially, I have been doing this for an year now. I am having fun writing and reading weekly notes by fellow bloggers. I have added fellow weekly noters to my blogring. Here is the JSON list of them. Thank you for reading and sending me your comments.

Brass tumblers for coffee
Brass tumblers and saucers for coffee
  • Finally, a week before the deadline, I filed the taxes for FY22-23. It's becoming more and more complex year after year. I can't even think of doing it myself anymore. Thankfully I have a good CA and accountant. God bless them.
  • I wrote a blog post detailing the inside-home video streaming from USB Cameras, reusing the existing USB cameras, and computing instead of buying new cameras.
  • I added characters, locations, and updated maps to the travel series - RoadTripWithAppa. In these, the map data is in CouchDB as a JSON document - GeoJSON. It's pulled from there and displayed in WordPress. You can also see that in Travel Locations for Geeks in India map. I am also moving all base layers from Google Maps to OSM. It's slow and boring work. But I will get it done.
  • I have been using Zim Wiki for a decade now. Since 2020, I have been doing daily work logs also in Zim. It's been fantastic. Zim Wiki doesn't get enough credit, but it's been there for over a decade now; it's FOSS, entirely offline, has simple text file storage, and works well with git. I just upgraded to the latest version this week, hence this praise note. 
  • I still have a Twitter account, but My Twitter usage has decreased considerably in the last year. Anyway, this week, the Twitter app on my phone is gone too. So now it's only on my Desktop browser, usage of which is rare and mostly broadcasting. Let's see when I feel like coming back fully. It's not just Twitter; even my Instagram usage has decreased heavily. In general, my social media usage is at an all-time low.
  • I got a set of South Indian Filter Coffee brass tumblers and saucers for Anju and myself. I always wanted to own a set and use it. Now I have them. It's from VS Mani and Co. They look and feel great. I might get another pair for guests. 
  • I watched Barbie last evening. I liked it. It's intelligent and fun to watch. It's for everyone. 

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