Weekly Notes 31/2023

The Weekly Notes are published on Friday evenings but are written throughout the week. I create a new post as soon as I publish one on Friday. Throughout the week, I keep adding to it. That way, it's more organic and natural. It's like my work notes but generic. 

Cameras at the junction of Brigade Road and Church Street
Cameras at the junction of Brigade Road and Church Street. Initially it had one I think. Now has five. Why?
  • Added a bunch of CCTV camera's to OSM this week. Can you count the number of cameras in the picture above? Why do we need so many?
  • The weather and Air have been great in Bangalore. Plan those walks or hang out with friends at neighborhood parks. 
  • I have enabled CDN on the site. Now static content like javascript, CSS, and images will load faster. There could be some CORS and cross-domain loading issues. I will fix them as I come across them. Now you know this blog or website is always a work in progress. And I love making minor improvements.
  • While on the subject of making small changes. Location pages now have a minimap—for example, this Bengaluru page. It's not a big deal. But it's fun and makes it interesting.
  • The band of my Banglejs2 broke. So I got a new bright red one, and I think it looks better.
  • On Thursday, I saw the referral message on my way home in an auto near Ulsoor Lake. This referral message is not what you probably think it is. One day I will tell you the entire story. It's a happy message for both of us, and we accepted it.

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