Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2024 Open for Applications

This year, 2024, will be the seventh year of the grant. I am pleased that I was able to sustain it. I am grateful to friends (Nemo, Gangadhar, Shweta) and other anonymous folks who have joined me on this journey with additional grant support. I am also thankful to all the applicants and grantees who have been part of this journey in one way or another. It's one of those things I do every year that makes me very happy.

The NMG/2024 grant application is open. The application is a simple google form. It takes five minutes. You can look at previous grantees on the project page for inspiration. Remember, nothing is out of scope. Apply, Share.

Started in 2018, Nagarathna Memorial Grant is an yearly, no strings attached grant of one lakh rupees (~$1400). It's a micro-grant targeted at everyone. The reason for grant could be anything as long it's meaningful to you and the people around you. Though I prefer free and open source or creative commons projects. It's not a must.

Please remember the important dates; the application is a simple google form.

  • January 15, 2024 – The application opens
  • March 15, 2024 – The application closes
  • April 14, 2024 – Announcement of results

This year, I am sticking to my original timeline of making the result announcement on April 14. 

There is also an announcement-only email list, which you can join by emailing [email protected]. It's the best way to get updates.

Additional Notes

  1. The current grant amount is 1.5 Lakhs. Thanks to Shweta. I will blog if there are any other updates. 
  2. I noticed many people arrived at the grant page from one of the grantee project pages. So, I had requested the grantees to link or mention in some way to the grant page, which they all obliged. Thank you. This is not a rule. But just a way for us to build a small community around NMG.  
  3. If you have received a grant before, please send a short note by email or by any other means. I want to include them in future blog posts to inspire others. 
  4. Update 2024-01-19: Thanks to Gandgadhar for 25K and Anonymous for 15K. The current grant amount is 1.9 Lakhs.
  5. Update 2024-03-08: Thanks to another anonymous contributor for 10K. The current grant amount is 2 Lakhs.

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5 Responses

  1. Dear Thejesh, Greetings. Thanks for your kind mail informing for the forth coming grant support. Its very kind of you to let us know. Surpisingly there was no any information or resposnses to our mails, regarding the previous application submitted by our NGO. Request you to let us know the status of the application, whether it has been accepted, or rejected. So that there would be no waiting with hopes. Thank you for your kind understating. Wishing you all the best and regards for your kind services.

  2. Kyle says:

    Greetings Thej! I tried to sign up for the announcement list. I sent an email to the address above. When I click on the link to join in the email I received, I get a 403 forbidden error. Thanks for the opportunity! Cheers from Minnesota USA.

  1. January 19, 2024

    […] of the NMG grant. Nagarathna Memorial Grant is a micro-grant that I run in my Amma's name. The applications are open till March 15th. Thanks to Shweta, Gandgadhar, and the anonymous contributor. The current grant amount is 1.9 […]

  2. January 19, 2024

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