Tagged: Teaching

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Weekly Notes 36/2022

We celebrate September 5th as teachers’ day in India. It used to be significant when Amma was alive and working. She used to get a lot of gifts from her students, flowers (especially roses), Cadburys five star, peacock feathers, Coffee Byte toffee, etc. She used to say government primary school kids are the best. Personally, teaching has been a fantastic experience for me. It has made me more empathetic.


Chennai / IITM Paradox’22 Fest

Last weekend I was in Chennai for Paradox2022, the first offline student festival for IITM BSc Students. I have been teaching MAD01 and MAD02 since 2020 for BSc students personally; it’s been a great experience. But I never got to meet any of them in person, so I thought it would be an excellent chance to meet them. With the bonus of seeing more than a hundred students getting their diplomas.