Tagged: Web 🌐

CLI for Readlist

I maintain the readlist in a CouchDB database. Each feed (channel) is a document in that database. I use the file’s name as the primary key i.e “_id”. For example, “sri-lankas-economic-crisis.json” is the key to the Sri Lankan Economic Crisis reading list. It’s a single document. It has many feed items like any JSONFeed. The first few were easy to create and manage. But then I needed something simple to manage this if I was going to be serious about using it.

Simple CGI programming

A simple HTTP server serves static HTML, Javascript, CSS, Images, etc. Sometimes you need a bit of dynamic content from the server-side. There are simple microframeworks to mega frameworks to achieve this. You could use any of these available web frameworks on the server side. But let’s say you don’t have access to any of those frameworks, and you want it to be simple and lightweight. You could try CGI.

Or you are just a web geek and want to spend an hour on old but interesting technology.