Blogging, Readers and Six years

I just completed six years of blogging and surprisingly I realized it late. Off late I am not blogging that regularly. It doesn't mean that I have lost interest or I don't care. Blogging here is direct reflection of my mind and thinking. So its natural that I blog when I feel like sharing something and not to fill.
I agree with the way Matt of wordpress puts it
I used to think constantly about building an audience for my blog. But now my attitude is, If I'm not blogging for myself, it's not worth it. So I don't post once a day, only when it feels natural. Some people complain -- they say, "Write more about WordPress; we don't want to see photos of kids in Vietnam," but I don't really care. I really like posting photos of places I've been. For my 25th birthday last January, I published a list of 2009 goals on my blog. It included learning Spanish, learning how to cook, and posting 10,000 photos. The Spanish is going all right, but I'm failing the cooking one.
Its not that I am not worried about the readers or analytics. I keep looking at my Google Analytics account once a month at least. In fact the goal for me is to reach 1k rss readers by year end. Its just that its not the primary goal as it used to be before.

I will keep sharing my life, photographs, travelogues and technology notes as long as you read and I feel like. Thanks for subscribing to my RSS feed :)
And a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthy.

Photo: Taken at a restaurant in Udaipur during my Rajashtan trip.

5 Responses

  1. Rajiv HR says:

    very true. if one blogs it should make sense.not tat one blogs for the heck of it ;-)

  2. Ravishankar says:

    Nice pic. goes well with the content of the post :)

  3. Supriya says:

    Congratulations on your six years at blog world :) Welcome to the next year of many more wonderful posts.

    I completely agree with your viewpoint that blogging needs to be for oneself to make you happy, to share what you personally feel. That’s one of the things I realized pretty late. Keep blogging.

  4. mehar says:

    Hello Friend,  Hope everything is fine.
    I am a researcher from psychology department. Interested in bloggers and their behavior. My  research topic is “Blogging Improves Self-Identity”.  In connection with my research I need your help.  If you spare your mail id, I will be sending  the research questionnaire’s to your mail Id.   You can give your responses to the questionnaire. My mail Id is [email protected]. Kindly cooperate in this survey. Your response will be used only for research purpose.  To end with friendly note, I am always ready to help you if you have any queries or doubts related to psychology. Thank you.
    Doctoral Candidate
    Dept of Psychology
    Bharathiar University
    Coimbatore – 641046
    Tamil Nadu, India
    [email protected]


  5. Hi … Juz came across ur blog n had a glance..
    I juz felt gud seeing ur post esp wit this , the highlighted one.. Though I alwys thought abt geting d trafic to the blog, I also get the doubt, ‘ is that so necessary worying abt d trafic as m bloggng fr my sake ! ‘
    As I read d post by U.. I gt the answer …
    Juz lik to thank you :)

    I realised Nw !

    Thanks n Regards,

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