Visiting London and connecting to the world
It wasn't well planned. I got my visa through fast track process and four days from then I was in London. Only thing that I researched well was mobile data connection. During my research I settled on Huchison 3 data only plan. I paid £20 for SIM and 1GB. But my Nexus One refused to get onto the network (local Galaxy SII was able to get 3G connection). I tried everything and then got an O2 connection. Its pathetic No 3G, its hardly on Edge, GPRS is patchy. Call rates (both international and local) are high. I got Lebra for my cousin, local and international calls are dead cheap and also free internet till month end. That aside I was able to get in touch with the world. That resulted in meeting various interesting people. I will reserve it for another detailed post. Enjoy the pictures from central London as of now.

Did you like the pictures? I will try to get better pictures this weekend.
Nice pics of London. And what are you doing there? Conference?
Last two pics are a bit smudgy. Im trying to visualize London eye with Red colour bulbs :) *for no specific reason*.
Enjoy your stay :D
~ Cheers..!
Enjoy are lively
great pics. :)
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