Starting with ESP8266

I really loved playing with circuits while I was in college. After college I started programming. I really love programming. In last few years electronics has become as much fun as programming. I really didn't want to miss a chance where I could do both. i.e solder my circuit and programs for it.
I have tried Arduino on and off. But never really did anything useful with it. I am yet to play with Raspberry Pi. In the meantime I met ESP8266 through Lua. I have played with Lua for a while. While exploring Lua, I chanced upon NodeMCU which will allow Lua to run on a Micro Controller which costs $2. That was enough to raise my curiosity.

Last few days I have been exploring ESP8266. The more I know about the more I love it. So along with exploring I kept a notebook on Zim Wiki. This week I shared it online. Please remember its a notebook and hence its not complete. Also I call it ESP8266 for Artists. Because all of us are artists. May be I will write another post why I think that way. Until then enjoy hacking hardware and specially ESP8266.