Location: Karnataka
Weekly Notes 32/2023
What an exciting week. I am not at liberty to write a lot at this time. I will write about it in detail later. But for now, I can only say it’s been a life-changing year for us.
Weekly Notes 31/2023
The Weekly Notes are published on Friday evenings but are written throughout the week. I create a new post as soon as I publish one on Friday. Throughout the week, I keep adding to it. That way, it’s more organic and natural. It’s like my work notes but generic.
Go out and enjoy the best weather and air of Bangalore
I set up an ntfy notification to warn me if the air in my bedroom is bad between 6 pm and 9 pm. It lets me turn on the air purifier in advance. Lately, I wasn’t receiving alerts, so I checked my systems, and the notifier and Home Assistant were fine. However, the AQI sensor showed a significant drop in early June, and it has remained low since then.
Weekly Notes 30/2023
It’s been a year. Weekly Notes 29/2022 was my first weekly notes post. So officially, I have been doing this for an year now. I am having fun writing and reading weekly notes by fellow bloggers. Thank you for reading and sending me your comments.