Thejesh GN Blog
UART GATT Server (Peripheral) on Android
In most BLE scenarios, Android app is a client (GATT Client). But one can also use Android as a GATT Server. There are use-cases where running a GATT Server on Android can be useful. For example let’s say you want a desktop app to display SMS notifications. It’s easy to write a GATT...
WhatsApp – Fast Lane to Fake News in India
WhatsApp is huge in India. It reaches common man much more than Facebook or Twitter in India. It’s so big that government authorities in India use WhatsApp for information dispersal or get information. For a lot of people in India WhatsApp is their window to Internet. For good or bad a lot of...
Why I became FSF Associate Member
I learnt about FSF in 2002. It’s a guess. I don’t remember actually. I started programming professionally in the last quarter of 2002. It was then I learnt about and appreciated the concept of Free Software. Since then I have talked about it to every one. Over the years parts of Free Software...
Book: Networks of Newyork
I don’t know anyone who can authoritatively say I know how internet works. Internet is made up millions of loosely coupled software, hardware, protocols and physical objects. It’s almost impossible to know every part of it in detail. But most of us can logically explain how it works with some black boxes. This...
Detecting Web Censorship by Running OONI on Pi Zero
In 2015 I had put together a simple script to check the status of various websites that were blocked (Censored) by ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in India for various reasons. It was a very simple script based on simple rules. Idea was to get a sense of censorship in India. After a while...