Tagged: Free and Open Source
I do quite a bit of work on the go; most of it happens on the phone. It’s not easy to software development on the phone. That is mostly due to the small screen size and lack of a hardware keyboard. Nevertheless, I have made numerous small changes to code on the phone, deployed them. The other big use case is browsing the code on the go, doing reviews and accepting merge requests, etc. I use the following apps for the same.
When I am traveling, I avoid connecting to public wifi or guest wifi. So I am left with mobile Internet. I have 4G connections from all three providers (Airtel 4G, BSNL 4G, and Reliance Jio 4G). Even then, I don’t get enough bandwidth to download something large enough like the latest Ubuntu ISO during the day. The only option is download managers. So these are my choice.
I have my own pipeline for managing my ReadLater article river. It’s a simple setup using Mecury Feed Parser, CouchDB, and JSONFeed. Of course, it’s all brought together using serverless hot glue.
I listen to a lot of podcasts. It’s only possible due to some great FOSS tools that I use. Here are the tools that I use to listen, bookmark and refer to them later.
An RSS feed is a standardized format to get an update from a website or web service. There are a few feed formats (RSS, Atom, JSONFeed) of which RSS is the most popular one. I use RSS feed on daily basis to read blogs and as well to get updates from my own services. Here are the three FOSS Apps that I use.
I wanted a script that would convert the JSON to CSV in real-time, so I could use it at DataWrapper.