The Year that was 2018
2018 got over really fast. Much faster than any other year I can remember. Quite a few things happened. I didn't get much time to enjoy while I was in it. It could be, because we didn't take our regular travel break. But all in all a great year.
- We are all healthy. Though max isn't doing as great. He is still doing good for his age.
- I started Nagarathna Memorial Grant this year. Here are the first year results. I got more positive responses than I expected. I am very happy. From this year onward the total grant money will be one Lakh rupees. The 2019 edition will open for applications on Feb 14, 2019. Wait for the announcement post or send an email to [email protected] to join the announcement list.
- I am a big fan of HOPCOMS. This year I built an API around HOPCOMS Rates. I am planning to build things and products around it in 2019.
- Started exploring Bangalore again
- Supriya1 and I started Nithya Kannada as a small project to teach Kannada through byte sized audio recordings. Didn't expect it to become popular. But as of today we have quite a few dedicated listeners. It's become more popular than we expected. It's available on all popular podcasting platforms to subscribe. It's also available as flash cards. We are at episode 123 today. Our next goal is to complete 500 episodes.
- I am officially part of Tamarind Valley Collective now. I have not been active. But its on my plan to be active this year onward.
- I am getting back to Electronics and HAM Radio. I always wanted to. But this year I took real steps towards it.
- For me this was the year of Podcasts, Audio Books and Voice. I don't have to explain to people what podcasting means anymore. I have heard around 400 hours of podcast this year. It was a bad year for my book reading. I hope to read more books in 2019.
- I will continue to work for NPTEL. I worked for DataMeet, Mavrix, Walk-in(Quicksand/BTPN), BuzzIndia, OpenCity. I am very happy about the current work situation. 2019 looks much more interesting in terms of work.
- I am an IBM Champion. Thank you IBM.
- I did visit Indonesia on work. Loved it. Will explore that country more
- I did visit, SF and Mountain View of Google I/O. I have lots to write about it. I have not gotten around to sit and write down my thoughts. May be in 2019
- Still no Aadhaar
- My friend and she was part of Kannada Kali at Infosys ↩