Twenty Years of Blogging

I started writing online after joining Infosys (my first job) in 2003. This year, I also completed 20 years of working. It's not a surprise that my blogging origins coincide with my starting work at Infosys. I couldn't afford a good internet connection or a decent computer before getting a job. That is only half part of the story.

Internet, Computer and decent salary, enthusiasm to learn, groups like Infylug, Infyblogs, and my first project team were all responsible for it. I started a newsletter, yes, 20 years back. The newsletter was an easy way to reach my IT friends who had limited Internet access but had official email access at work. Unlike today, internet access was a privilege even at an IT company. You had to apply for it, and many websites were blocked. But everyone had access to their official email account. 

This is how the geocities archive looked like.

TechMag started as a  Technical Magazine that would land in your email once a month or so. Later I had to convert that list into a Yahoo Group to manage it easily. I also converted them into static HTML files that I could publish on Geocities

Much later, I got a domain and hosted a Drupal blog running TechMag for a long time before my personal and technical blog merged into this domain. I lost a bunch of posts in 2007 ( backup mishap) before I moved it here. As a result, you can see many posts here in 2007. It became home for all my technical and non-technical explorations.

I also ran EventsBangalore.Net, which covered exciting events in Bangalore. It was a WordPress blog. It had a significant following and was quite popular. I met lots of folks who are friends even today. I shut down EventsBangalore in and around 2014; by that time, events were covered by major players, and also there were lots of tools to publish events online. So I stopped EventsBangalore.

Since 2007, this blog itself has gone through multiple design changes. But it still uses good old but solid WordPress. I am pleased about it. I have no plans of changing for now.

Over time I have gained a lot of stuff from blogging—quite a few IRL (converted) friends in Bangalore and worldwide. I have learned a lot from peers worldwide by reading them; my writing has improved by writing for them. I have got working opportunities with the most exciting folks due to my blog. I have traveled worldwide and met and talked to other bloggers and technologists. And much more exciting stuff, all Thanks to blogging. All in all, blogging is a big part of my personal and professional life. 

This is how this blog looks today, in June 2023—screenshot for the record.
This is how this blog looks today, in June 2023—screenshot for the record.

And thank you for coming along this long but very enriching journey. I plan to blog for another twenty years, if not more. And I hope you will be around to react. Thank you again.

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6 Responses

  1. Chaitanya says:

    Oh wow, Thejesh, that’s amazing!

    I too was part of the InfyBlogs community where I first learned about WordPress which eventually lead to my current job :D

    Here’s to the next 20 years of blogging for all of us!

  2. Balu says:

    Congratulations Thej! This is quite a journey =)

  1. June 26, 2023

    […] Previous Post Twenty Years of Blogging Posted on June 26, 2023 by @thej in […]

  2. June 30, 2023

    […] wrote a 20th blog anniversary post this week. In Internet time, I am […]

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