Weekly Notes 26/2023

It's been a busy week with lots of stuff getting done. It's not a hectic week. Just busy enough to keep me active in my personal and professional life.

We are in the last week of the first half of 2023; I am still waiting to realize half the year is over.

Sandeep and I at BMST.
Sandeep and I at BMST. I am yet to learn to smile for selfies!
  • Sunday, I paid a visit to Cubbon Park to meet friends. It's been a while. I have to restart the weekly visit to Cubbon Park. I love those visits. 
  • I wrote a 20th blog anniversary post this week. In Internet time, I am old.
  • I have added more data to IDVC. I have released the updates. Now we have some data of 2023 to look at.
  • I updated a bunch of dockers on my home lab server. The Synology UI was failing badly. Finally, I had to ssh into it and update the images. All in all, it went well, except for the UI update part. 
  • I changed the battery of my Mostly Harmless phone since it bulged and almost broke the case. I changed it myself. It's my first phone battery change (img) of this kind. Thanks to iFixit, it was easy, but you need specific tools. I don't have an iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit, but I have a cheaper version. One day, I will invest and buy an iFixit set.
  • This quarter's blood donation got delayed by a month for various reasons. But finally, I was able to donate my 8th unit on Thursday. Sandeep accompanied me this time. He has been doing it regularly as well. We plan to sync in the future as well. 
  • I have been with Ubuntu for more than a decade now. I am wondering if it's worth moving to Debian. Specially Debian 12 along with Gnome. I will probably do that on my secondary computer and then think about the primary later. So tpx may soon start running "bookworm" with gnome. I will keep you informed about the migration. 

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2 Responses

  1. Sameer says:

    Would highly recommend moving to Fedora. Do consider.

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