Weekly Notes 09/2024
We are in March/2024 already. I have not read a book this year, but I plan to. So I started reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Hope to continue.

- 🗺️ I was able to attend the OSM mapping party at Vasanth Nagar this month. I met a few OSM contributors. I knew some of them online, others new. I mapped a bunch of CCTV cameras.
- 💻 I also did quite a few IDVC surveys this week. You can get the current year status as JSON or graph. I plan to keep the pace and have as many samples as possible.
- 👨🍼Uma can walk with very little support now. She can walk just holding one of my fingers. She needs it only for balancing. I have seen her standing still without support a couple of times. So, I am guessing in the next few weeks, she will try to walk without any support.
- 👨🍼I also wrote about bath time with my little one. I see a lot of mom bloggers from India. I don't get to read dad bloggers from India. If you have any suggestions, please send them. I would love to read first-hand fathers' experiences raising their kids in India. I read a few dad blogs from outside India. But do suggest to me if you know good ones.
- 📺 I watched Poacher, a fictional series on elephant poaching, this week. I only understand Malayalam partially, but it's improving. This one has Nimisha Sajayan and Roshan Mathew. I like both of them, and they have done well in this.
- ☕ I met another ex-colleague with a friend on Saturday. I spent an hour so chatting about the current state of software engineering.
- 🕸️ People And Blogs is an excellent weekly newsletter/blog introducing you to people and their blogs. It's a good read, according to me. I have also added my new weekly blogger finds to my blogring - Vishnu, Michael, Maique, Tracy, Daniel, and James. These blogs also appear on my sidebar widget.