Thejesh GN Blog
DataMeet COVID19 Updates – Vaccination Data
We have made updates to DataMeet’s COVID19 dataset to include new columns. Also, we have added SQLite DB. In case you like SQLing.
Tools for Screencasting
I have been doing longer screencasts these days. Some of them are for private consumption, and some are public. I am yet to master it fully. But I have come a long way. These are the tools that have helped me.
JBang and My Own Custom Catalog
JBang, once installed, allows you to run any java file like a script. Superbly helpful if you want to hack something quickly. It can also install the same as app or binary so it can be found on your PATH. So you can forget about jbang and just run the app.
Mostly Harmless vckyb6 Keyboard – Making Online Meetings Better
many, I like online meetings. It gives me an option to attend an appointment from the comfort of my home office and listen to virtually anyone. Also, I have a very efficient way of taking notes. My home office – Tokyo, has good light and air. Any physical meeting in any other place won’t reach this level of comfort. That said, there are things that I still want to improve.