Category: Life

BuzzWomen Bus 0

Weekly Notes 04/2023

I was invited to BuzzWomen’s all-hands meetup. One of their long-term employees used the word “ಕಾಳಜಿ” (Kāḷaji) as a reason for being loyal to BuzzWomen. The direct translation is “concern,” but it’s more like care + kindness + concern. I love the usage of the word. One will work for a long time for an organization that shows “ಕಾಳಜಿ”. I am happy that BuzzWomen is one such organization.


IDVC 2022 – Final Stats

As you would know, I run IDVC survey project, which collects the prices of idli, vada (vada), dose(dosa), and coffee across Bangalore. It’s an ongoing project. The idea is to map the price over time and across geographies in Bangalore.  

Part of that larger plan is also to publish the rates of idli, vada (vada), dose(dosa), and coffee at the end of every year. Since 2022 has ended. I have the stats here.

ನಾಗರತ್ನ ಸ್ಮಾರಕ ಅನುದಾನ - Nagarathna Memorial Grant 1

Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2023 Open for Applications

2023 is going to be our sixth edition of NMG. Yes, we have already completed five years, and some of the grantees have done some fantastic work. I have taken up the task of collating stories of those outstanding grantees and their work. Maybe we all get to read it sometime this year, but I digress. The 2023 grant application is open. Remember, nothing is out of scope. Apply, Share.

Pathu and Echo investigating an intruder (cat). 3

Weekly Notes 02/2023

One big rule we follow at Peppo team is – Be Nice to each other and everyone with whom you work. It makes a lot of difference. If you look at DataMeet’s code of conduct. It’s the first rule. I sincerely believe in it and take it wherever I go. We can’t build organizations or teams without being nice to each other. When I see broken teams, most often than not, this is the rule that would have made a difference. Whats your one rule while working in a team?