Weekly Notes 45/2022
It looks like I have injured myself. It seems like an RSI. Nothing to worry about; I met the doctor, who advised me of the remedies. The good thing is we found out early; it’s minor and complete recovery is possible.
A container for all my views with excerpts from technology, travel, films, books, kannada, friends and other interests. I am Thejesh GN, friends call me Thej.
My friends are moving to the US for a while. I miss them already. At this point, I have more friends outside India than in India. This is probably true for others too. I think this is the second wave. The first wave was around 2010, almost ten years back.
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Thejesh GN (ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್) "Thej" is an Independent Technologist, Hacker, Maker, Traveler, Blogger, InfoActivist, Open data and Open internet enthusiast from Bangalore, India. He loves experimenting with all things life and hence some times he is called hacker and other times duct tape. You can read more about him here. Email [ i @ thejeshgn dot com]. PGP/GPG Keys are here.
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(C) Thejesh GN.The views expressed on this site are mine (Thejesh GN) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. Please read the terms and conditions before reading or commenting on this blog.