Location: Tamil Nadu


Weekly Notes 08/2023

I have been a professional engineer for 20 years now. I started in Jan/2003 as a Software Engineer for Infosys and Mysore. It was my first paid job. Ideally, I should have written about it in Weekly Notes 02/2023; I somehow missed it. Anyway, It’s been an exciting 20 years, and I hope I have another 20 years in me. I want to cover aspects of it separately throughout this year.


Chennai / IITM Paradox’22 Fest

Last weekend I was in Chennai for Paradox2022, the first offline student festival for IITM BSc Students. I have been teaching MAD01 and MAD02 since 2020 for BSc students personally; it’s been a great experience. But I never got to meet any of them in person, so I thought it would be an excellent chance to meet them. With the bonus of seeing more than a hundred students getting their diplomas.