Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2022 Open for Applications
Nagarathna Memorial Grant is a no-strings-attached grant of one lakh rupees (~$1400). It’s a micro-grant targeted at everyone. 2022 grant application is open.
A container for all my views with excerpts from technology, travel, films, books, kannada, friends and other interests. I am Thejesh GN, friends call me Thej.
I got a Christmas gift from a friend. I loved it. They wanted me to sing a Christmas song. That’s something I can’t do. Instead, I chose to recite the poem ಕರುಣಾಳು ಬಾ ಬೆಳಕೆ by BM Shree. Originally called “Lead, Kindly Light” titled “the Pillar of the Cloud” was written by John Henry Newman, an English priest. He wrote it during his difficult times.
It was not better or worse than 2020. Well, it was worse than 2020. In 2020 we saw a mismanaged lock-down. In 2021 we saw thousands of deaths due to a mismanaged pandemic. It was disconcerting. Even the discussions around it were disturbing. At this point, even 2022 doesn’t look that great. Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as 2021. 🤞.
Quite a few classmates from BTL used to donate blood at Narayana Hrudayalaya. Our college seemed like the emergency blood bank for the hospital. I did try, but I couldn’t. I was underweight. Once I left the college, I didn’t think much about it except onetime when I donated for a friend’s relative in 2011, considering that I used to run @tweet4blood. It seems strange. But this year it changed.
Life / Technology / ಕನ್ನಡ
I like to read a stanza of Vachana every day, and I generally visit Vachana Sanchaya to do that. They have a widget ಇಂದಿನ ವಚನ aka Today’s Vachana. Which picks a random(?) Vachana and shows it to you on their home page. But then its not fun to visit the site everyday. So I wrote a script so it appears on my Desktop.
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Thejesh GN (ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್) "Thej" is an Independent Technologist, Hacker, Maker, Traveler, Blogger, InfoActivist, Open data and Open internet enthusiast from Bangalore, India. He loves experimenting with all things life and hence some times he is called hacker and other times duct tape. You can read more about him here. Email [ i @ thejeshgn dot com]. PGP/GPG Keys are here.
Fediverse or Mastodon: @[email protected]
(C) Thejesh GN.The views expressed on this site are mine (Thejesh GN) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. Please read the terms and conditions before reading or commenting on this blog.